Sunday 6 June 2010


I had an odd dream last night.
I was friends with Zooey Deschanel and she's damn fine, so after a while I plucked up the courage to ask her out but she said 'damn, you should have asked me last week, I fancied you then but I don't anymore' So I was pretty annoyed at missing that chance.
But since I woke up I've been in a bad mood due to this dream, which is stupid. How could Zooey Deschanel break my heart like that? Curse her and her amazing face.

I don't like it when imaginary events ruin my day, especially when they are ridiculous and irrelevant. I have half a mind to find her and tell her what she did! I wonder if she would apologise? Probably not, I think a restraining order would be more likely.

I don't think I have anything else to say really... I've cheered up by now, but I have to get up in the morning so no doubt I shall be grouchy from then on. I hate mornings.

Why won't you love me back, Dream-Zooey?!